Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Total Quality Management: A Discussion

This blog will discuss the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM). To begin Adrienne has provided a summary of the following publication, Total Quality Management. To follow Jillian has summarised a journal article titled, Implementation of Quality Management Practices in Pakistan's Apparel Industry. Finally Cindy has collected two media files on the subject of Quality.

SUMMARY CHAPTER 8 Pages 220 -227

“Implementing Total Quality Management” By: Lesley Munro-faure, Maclcom Munro –Faure


Once the problem has been identified it is vital to gain support for and implement at solution to eliminate it from happening again. The most cost effective solution and the best chance of succeeding is a way to help in deciding.

These steps provide approaches:
-          Frequently useful to hold a brainstorming sessions to identify all solutions with basic information
-          Select one solution and include:
Cost of implementation
Time to achieve results
Probability of achieving results
Training personnel and labour
Writing procedures
Risk of solution not being effective
-          Experiment to verify that it does eliminate the problems and the new problems don’t arise
-          Gain support and convince management to implement which may require a formal presentation
It is important to plan thoroughly before proceeding
-     Define the sequence and length of key steps, direct involvement of each person, and change in work methods
-          How to measure steps and progress

It is useful to draw a gant chart to plan and monitor. An important aspect of implementation is communication and the changes effect on people. It is important to gain support and incorporate suggestions. Once the solution has proved success, it can possibly be applied elsewhere. The success should be publicised throughout the organisation to encourage involvement in identifying problems in their own area (department, sites etc.)